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A One Day Workshop On "Signal Processing, Communications And Computer Vision System Design Using MATLAB And Simulink-2015"

A One day Workshop on
"Signal Processing, Communications and Computer Vision System Design using MATLAB and Simulink-2015" (SPCCVS)
(11th September, 2015) 

Organized by

Directorate of Innovative Technologies 
JNTUH, Hyderabad— 500 085, 
Telangana, INDIA.

Workshop:  11th September, 2015 from 10:00am to 1:00pm
Last date to apply: 8th September, 2015, 5:00PM
About the Workshop:
The goal of the workshop is to target at current MATLAB users having familiarity with theoretical concepts in these areas, Signal Processing, Communications and Computer Vision System Design using MATLAB and Simulink

Topics to be covered:
• Real time signal processing in MATLAB using system objects.
• Antenna-to-bits design capabilities to model and simulate advanced wireless communications systems.
• Object detection, point cloud processing and 3D vision.
• Connectivity to hardware 
platforms such as Raspberry Pi for project-based learning.

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