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Barrel Shifter Using Fin-Fet Technology


                              Barrel shifter is an integral component of many computing systems due to its useful property that it can shift and rotate multiple bits in a single cycle.Complementary Metal -Oxide - Semiconductor (CMOS) transistors lost its credentiality during downscaling beyond 22nm, which causes undesirable short-channel effect (SCE), especially "off - state" leakage current, which increases the ideal power required by the device. The Fintype fieldeffect transistors (FinFETs) are promising substitutes for bulk CMOS in nanoscale circuits. The CMOS is replaced by high performance FinFETs for the implementation of Barrel shifter. The design of the Barrel shifter is purely MUX based and therefore designing a MUX for low power to use it as a repetitive block in the Barrel shifter will improve its efficiency. The multiplexers in MUX based Barrel shifter circuit are designed using transmission gate logic.
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