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RBI Recruitment 2016

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Curator Cum Project Manager through recruitment notification .Candidates who have completed Masters Degree can apply for the new recruitment notification from Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Eligible candidates can apply online  for the Curator Cum Project Manager Job on or before 26/02/2016. Find more information about the vacancy like Age limit, Selection Process, Qualification, Application fee, How to apply etc can be found below.
RBI Notification

Post Name : Curator Cum Project Manager

Qualification : Any Masters Degree

Pay Scale : Rs.1,80,000/p.m

Age Limit :
Not more than 63 years (candidates must have been born not earlier than 02/01/1953). In case of PWD candidates the upper age limit is relaxable upto 10 years.

Selection Process:
Selection will be through interview only. A preliminary screening of the applications will be carried out for making, if necessary, a short-list of eligible candidates to be called for the interview. Hence, merely fulfilling the minimum requirements laid down for the post would not automatically entitle any candidate for interview. The place and date of interview will be advised to the short-listed candidates in due course.

How To Apply:
  • How to apply: (i) The candidates applying for the post must submit their application by post to “The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Third Floor, RBI Building, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai – 400008” in the prescribed format (as given below in this advertisement). (ii) The recent photograph is to be pasted at the appropriate place and application should be signed by the candidate. Incomplete and illegible applications will be rejected. (iii) The cover containing the application should be super scribed with the name of the post applied for i.e. “APPLICATION FOR CURATOR-CUM-PROJECT MANAGER”. (iv) The following documents should be submitted along with the application: (a) Matriculation or SSC Examination certificate in support of age. (b) Degree (Bachelor’s / Master’s) certificate and Mark sheets (of all semesters/years) in support of educational qualifications. In case the University/Institute awards grades, instead of marks and defines criteria for conversion of Aggregate Grade Point into Class and/or percentage of marks, a copy of certified conversion formulae should also be sent. Page 5 of 8 (c) Experience certificates from the Employer/s indicating the full details of your service such as your name, post held, nature of duties attached to the post and length of service indicating clearly the date of joining/ leaving the service, details of Probationary/training period (if any). (d) Documentary evidence of post Master’s degree research experience and essential research publications, as mentioned in paragraph 2 (II) (a) (ii) & (iv) above. (e) In case of PWD Candidates latest certificate to this effect issued by an authorised Government of India/ State Government Department/ Hospital. (f) Six copies of the duly filled Bio-data form (recent passport size Photograph of candidate, in original, may be pasted) and 5 copies of Attestation Form (all in original) [Bio-data / Attestation form are available on Bank’s website
  • General rules/ Instructions: (i) Application format is given at the end. Candidate should apply in the prescribed format only. (ii) Candidates should enclose copies of the relevant certificate/s (in support of age, educational qualification) and appropriate documents in support of the experiences and research work, with the application. Their candidature will be considered on the strength of the information declared in the application and the copies of certificates/ documents submitted therewith. If at any stage, it is found that any information furnished in the application is false/ incorrect or if according to the Board, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/ terminated.
  • All educational qualifications must have been obtained from recognized universities/institutions/ Museum. If grades are awarded instead of marks, candidates should clearly indicate their numerical equivalent.
  •  Candidates called for interview, will be reimbursed to and fro single II AC train fare as per Board norms.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • In all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of interviews, assessment, prescribing minimum qualifying standards in interview, in relation to number of vacancies and communication of result, the Board’s decision shall be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard
  • Candidates employed in Government/Public Sector in India: All candidates working in Government Sector, Government owned industrial undertakings, Public Sector Undertakings/Financial Institutions/Banks, Public Enterprises or other similar organisations (in India), whether in a permanent or temporary capacity or as workcharged employees other than casual or daily rated employees, are required to inform their employer (Head of Office/Department) in writing, about applying for this recruitment, prior to the submission of their application to the Board. At the time of applying, candidates working in such organisations, are required to submit an undertaking that they have informed in writing about applying for this recruitment to their Head of Office/Department. Candidates should note that in case a communication is received at Board from their employer, withholding permission to the candidate applying for this recruitment / interview, their application/candidature will be liable to be rejected / cancelled.” At the time of joining, the recommended candidates will have to bring proper discharge certificates from their PSU/Government/Quasi-Government employer.
  • Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Mumbai only.
  • Closing date: The application, enclosing all prescribed documents should reach the Board’s Office by post by January 29, 2016. The Board takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt of Application/s or loss thereof in postal transit.
Important dates to Remember :

Last Date to Apply : 26/02/2016

For Official Notification:Click Here

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