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JNTUH 6th Convocation Notification – Apply Before 17-03-2017

JNTUH 6th Convocation Notification 

The VI Convocation (6th Convocation) of the JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD (JNTUH) is likely to be held in the month of April/May 2017 (Actual date will be notified later). The Candidates who are qualified for the award of Degree during the academic years 2014-15 & 2015-16 and P.G. Degree completed between 01/08/2014 and 10/03/2017 (i.e., on or before 10/03/2017) are hereby informed to visit the Convocation Registration Portal and submit the application online mode during 27/02/2017 and 17/03/2017. The application fee is Rs.600/- and has to be paid through online mode only. Those who have already applied for the degree in the Pre-Convocation mode need not apply. For details refer to the above mentioned registrations portal. Helpline desk is made available at the Student Service section (Ground floor) of the Examination Building of JNTUH. If any candidate needs clarification or help, he/she may contact the helpline desk (040-32431611) during 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days.

Follow the below Steps:-

JNTUH 6th Convocation Notification

JNTUH 6th Convocation Notification

JNTUH 6th Convocation Notification

Convocation Notification
Required Documents at Time of Online Application:
·         Only Those candidates can apply for Convocation whose PC issued
·         Scanned Copy of a Digital Passport size Photograph (.JPEG format) should be between 100-200 KB.
·         Scanned Copy of Identity proof (.JPEG format), size should be between 100-200 KB.
·         The List of valid identity proofs are as follows.
·         College Identification Card (Recommended).
·         Aadhar Card
·         Pan Card.
·         Driving License.
·         Voter Identification Card
·         Indian Passport.
·         Scanned Copy of Provisional Certificate (PC) (.JPEG format), size should be between 200-300 KB.
·         Students should furnish their Provisional Certificate NUMBER (Number that is above the serial no of PC)

·         Use MS PAINT to resize the image (or) Resize the Image If the image size exceeds the given limits.
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