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JNTUH Press Note in Response to Online Petition & News Paper Article on University Evaluation System

Recently, JNT University Hyderabad has declared the results of first semester of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year B.Tech. Examinations conducted during November / December 2016. It has come to the notice of the University that few students raised objection through online petition regarding the evaluation system adopted by JNTUH stating that “it is faulty / poor evaluation system“. Certain news papers also have reported the same.The students / parents of JNTUH may note certain facts regarding the fool proof evaluation system adopted by the University. As a measure of improving quality in education and evaluation system of the University, several practices are in place viz., teachers having atleast 3 years experience only are selected as valuers. The teachers must have taught the subject to become eligible for valuation in that subject. The valuers are selected from the lists furnished by the affiliated colleges following the above norms.

Few students represented that they have failed in the subject though answered well; revaluation fee is high; revaluation results must be declared before the notification for supplementary examinations issued; minimum time allotment of each script for valuation, more transparency in evaluation etc. The pass percentage in 2nd year first semester for the recently conducted regular examination is 26%. This is not unusual as compared to the previous years (27 – 3 3%). This pass percentage indicates that 26 percent students passed all the subjects of the respective semester. If any candidate fails even in one subject out of 8 subjects, in a semester (6 theory + 2 labs normally) the candidate is declared ‘fail‘.

In terms of the number of subjects and scripts evaluated by the University, for 2/4 I semester 188893 scripts have been declared PASS out of a total of 304171 scripts (62%) which indicates fairly acceptable as compared to the other semesters and previous batches based on the University records. It appears few students who failed are under the impression that the evaluation system is wrong which is not correct. Some students claimed that the revaluation fee is high. The revaluation fee was fixed long back and in vogue for several years. Another claim is that the notification for subsequent examination series should be issued only after the declaration of revaluation result. The University handles huge number of colleges with different programmes like B.Tech., M. Tech., B.Pharm., M.Pharm., MBA etc.

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Article on University Evaluation System

It is necessary to stick to the examination schedule in order to complete the programme in time. The revaluation is time-taking process in view of physical handing of scripts like picking up the specific script applied for revaluation from a bundle of scripts which are provided with bar code and having no hall ticket number on the script etc. The regular examination notification cannot be delayed for want of the cases of revaluation, keeping in view the interest of all the students of the University. The University is concerned about the students not getting through the examination and at the same time, the University is also concerned about the quality of Engineering Students passing out.

A committee is constituted to suggest measures to bring more transparency in the evaluation system. The students / parents are hereby informed to repose confidence on the University evaluation system, which is fool proof and automation is also taken up from time to time to meet the time targets and to achieve precision in evaluation.
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