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JNTUH is Implementing Biometric Attendance System for all PG students by 11th August 2017

  1.  Letter No: 5733/UE/2015 dated 26-11-2016 of HE (UE) dept govt. of Telangana. 
  2.  Letter communicated Dated: 01-12-2016 
  3.  Cir No. UAAC/BAS/2016, dated 30-12-2016. 

It was proposed to implement the Biometric Attendance System (BAS) for the faculty, staff and students of constituent and affiliated colleges for online capturing of attendance of Faculty and Students. With the cooperation of all the Colleges the BAS was successfully implemented for the faculty. It is now proposed to implement for the students starting with all PG students. 

In this connection all the Principals of Constituent and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUH are requested to implement the Biometric Attendance System for all PG students by 11th AUG 2017, in similar lines as that of the Faculty. In this context all the Principals have to procure sufficient number of Biometric Devices (1:100) from the empanelled vendors and see that the machines are integrated to JNTUH Aadhar Attendance Server on or before 11th AUG 2017. For any clarifications you can contact Mr.Rajshekar – 9133333701.
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