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JNTUH One time chance Special Supply Examinations Notification June/July 2017

JNTUH One time chance Special Supply Examinations Notification June/July 2017: JNTUH, Hyderabad – Examination Branch – All U.G. and P.G. courses – Special Supplementary Exams, June/July -2017 – Notification – Instructions to the Principals–Reg.

The Principals of the constituent and affiliated Colleges are hereby informed that the University Examination Branch issues notification for the conduct of Special Supplementary examinations during June/July -2017 for the candidates who were admitted into B.Tech(Reg.), B.Tech(CCC), B.Tech.(PTDC), B.Tech.(FDH), B.Pharmacy, M.Tech.(Reg.), M.Tech.(PTPG), M.Tech.(SSS), M.Tech.(CCC), M.Sc(Reg.), M.Sc.(Part time), M.B.A.(Reg.), M.B.A.(Part time), M.C.A.(Reg.) and all other Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate courses, to clear backlog subjects so as to secure the required credits / to satisfy the academic requirement to get their degrees.

This last chance is for the candidates who have completed their class work (double the duration of the course) and who have availed 2 years extra time to clear backlog subjects could not clear the subjects.

Please inform the students that this notification is meant for the students studied in the constituent and affiliated colleges of JNTUH Hyderabad only. The Candidates appearing for the above examinations which are to be conducted in June/July 2017 are informed to note time schedule given below.

Start date & End date for students to register for supply. Exams (at respective colleges) 

  • Without Late Fee : 15-05-2017 to 31-05-2017 
  • With Late Fee of Rs.100/ : 01-06-2017 to 04-06-2017 
  • With Late Fee of Rs.1000/- : 05-06-2017 to 08-06-2017 




1. Important Note: Application will not be accepted after 08-06-2017.
2. This Notification is meant for the students who studied in the constituent and affiliated colleges of JNTUH Hyderabad only.
3. This Notification is issued for the candidates who have completed their class work (double the duration of the course) and who have availed 2 years extra time to clear backlog subjects, who could not complete for the award degree.
4. A common application form for all the courses is available in the website, which is to be filled by the candidates giving all the details without fail. A separate application is to be submitted for each semester.
5. Applicants should enclose the photocopies of latest marks memo containing failed subjects along with syllabus copy the application without fail.
6. The duly filled in applications should be handed over in the college office with necessary fee.
7. The Principals are requested to submit the filled in applications to the Controller of Exams, Examinations Building, JNTUH, Hyderabad on or before 12-06-2017 without fail.
8. Lab/ Project Viva examinations are to be conducted at the respective colleges during 19-06-2017 to 24-06-2017 and the Award Lists are to be sent to Dr.S Tara kalyani, Controller of Examinations, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 085 so as to reach this office on or before 28-06-2017.

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